th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Dec 06, 2010 21:47
sam's greatest fear, omg what's going on, what a wonderful world, oh fuck what now, sam is a bamf, sam + jess = forever, shit is about to get real, sam has a problem, omgwtfbbq, oh god what's going on, pesti is a fine bitch, pesti fucked up, omgomgomg, shit what now?, um...what, ummmmmmmm
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Oct 21, 2010 23:59
pesti is a jerk, omg what's going on, fuck this, omgwtfbbq, sam has a problem, omg wtf is this, omg help me plz, sam is a bamf, sam is lost, help, fuck my life
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Oct 17, 2010 17:26
cardgamesftw, sam has a problem, oh god what's going on, oh fuck what now
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Sep 20, 2010 22:55
jess is a bamf, jess is a awesome wife, hunt diary, sam has a problem, brb hunting, sam, sam + jess = forever, jess is beautiful, deal with it uriel
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 28, 2010 09:57
dean is a great brother, sam get's a job, dean is a bamf, sam has a problem, brb hunting, sam is a bamf, sam is a working man, ghosts are gonna get it, deal with it uriel, sam and dean are awesome
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 14, 2010 14:22
sam has a problem, oh god what's going on, omg help me plz, oh dear, sam, help plz, help, help a bitch out, shit what now?
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 09, 2010 15:57
omgwtfendoftheworld, always be aware of side-effects, what the hell, omg wtf is this, i miss my wifey, sam + jess = forever, jess is beautiful, not cool, this isn't going to end well, clusterfuck, information is your friend, storytime, omgwtfbbq, what the shit is this?, sam has a problem, oops, jess is a good friend, what the actual fuck, the quest for the horses, whoops, jess has no idea what's going on, sam is sorry, i don't know, i'm a failure, wtf was that shit, omg what's going on, i love my wifey, what is this i don't even, what the fuck, oh fuck what now, sam is a working man, sam's take, what the fuck? omgwtfbbq, dean is a great brother, jess is a awesome wife, always be aware of side effects, sam is a horrible person, omg help me plz, oh dear, dean, i'm k-kinda busy, wtf is this right now, sam is a good husband, deal with it uriel
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Jul 26, 2010 14:32
sam is an empty shell, omg what's going on, sam is an emo panda, omgwtfbbq, sam has a problem, omg wtf is this, oh god what's going on, omg help me plz, sam + jess = forever, sam is lost, jess is beautiful, sam is alone, help, sam is so emo, oh god whats going on
queen_insane wrote in spn_treehouse May 16, 2010 02:17
uriel +deal = it, sam has a problem, sam
queen_insane wrote in spn_treehouse May 03, 2010 16:15
stop this shit right now, always be aware of side-effects, feel your feelings, what the hell, love hurts, or else, not cool, powers dont make you evil evil things do, you have brought this onto yourself, rescue mission, clusterfuck, the world is crumbling, information is your friend, storytime, omgwtfbbq, sam has a problem, what the shit is this?, , what the actual fuck, sam, eat your feelings, i need a drink, hysteria has taken over, shit what now?, we are fucking done professionally, you are starting to piss me off, worst day ever, what is this i don't even, powers 101, breaking up is hard to do, too much to handle, oh fuck what now, hysteria, sam's take, i don't have time for this, the winchesters are a fucking menace, vacations suck, this is sam's wasted opportunity, i'm sorry, i hate everything, the best fights are pillow fights, ava+andy are on a break, srs bzns, deal with it uriel, brb taking a vacation, people are weird, this sucks